Explore our Economy 1 Bedroom Suite in San Diego
- 1 FULL
Luxury Economy 1 Bedroom
In-Room Conveniences
Huge Monthly Discounts
Monthly Discounted Rates:
30-Day Minimum Stay
Cancellation Policy:
To receive a full refund for the duration of the reservation, guests must cancel the reservation at least 30 days prior to their scheduled arrival date and receive a cancellation confirmation email back from Parc Suites San Diego. To receive a refund for a portion of the stay based upon an early departure, guests must cancel the reservation at least 30 days prior to the date of departure and receive a cancellation confirmation email back from Parc Suites San Diego. In all cases, guests will not receive a refund for any reserved nights for which notice of cancellation was not provided at least 30 days prior. If cancellation is made after the 30 day period, guests may receive a full refund if Parc Suites is able to re-book the suite for the same time period and at the same price. In all cases, a 5.5% administrative charge fee will be retained.
Book your stay in our Luxury Economy 1 Bedroom suite today!